Ordinances, Regulations and Policies
Notice to Users
This section contains most Town Ordinances, Regulations and Policies. The online version is for reference only. An official copy is maintained at the Town Office. If you are not able to open the documents, please click http://get.adobe.com/reader/ for a free download of Adobe Reader to access PDF files.
North_Pond_Water_Intake_Protection_Ordinance Adopted June 26, 1996
North_Pond_Water_Quality_Protection_Ordinance Adopted June 26, 1996
North_Pond_Swimming_Prohibition_Ordiance Adopted June 26, 1996
North_Pond_Watershed_Protection_Ordinance Adopted June 26, 1996
Recall_Elected_Officials_Ordinance-Enacted September 7, 2010
Regulating_No_Thru_Truck_Traffic_Ordinance_-_Enacted_on_February 5, 2019
Self Governance of Local Food Ordinance Enacted June 18, 2018
Street_Construction_Standards_for_Buckfield_Maine-Enacted June 17, 2003
Zadoc_Long_Free_Library_Dept._Accession_and_Deaccession_Policy-Enacted November 1, 2016